Management Of Mental Health Medication

Mental illness cannot be treated with medication. While medications may help manage symptoms and make them less severe, they do not cure mental illness. You may have the same symptoms if you stop taking your medication. Talk to your doctor at Anew Treatment Center before you stop taking your medication.

Uses and types of mental health medication

There are six types:

  • Antidepressants are used to treat depression, anxiety, and other personality disorders.
  • The use of antipsychotics is used to treat schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, as well as to restore brain chemical equilibrium.
  • Mood stabilizers are often prescribed to treat bipolar disorder.
  • To help people feel or remain calm, depressants can be used.
  • Anxiolytics can be used to treat anxiety disorders.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is treated with stimulants.

How long does mental healthcare medication take to work

Stimulants and anxiolytics start to work quickly. In a matter of hours, sometimes less. They are only temporary in your body.

Antidepressant medications usually take around two weeks for people to feel the effects. The effects of antidepressant medication may differ depending on how the individual handles them. Your doctor will see you within two to three weeks to ensure that the drugs are not causing harm.

Antipsychotics can take up to six weeks to work fully. If you’ve been prescribed antipsychotics, your doctor might ask you to come in regularly.

Your doctor should be able to hear your concerns about medication.

Long-term side-effects of mental health medication

Most psychiatric and mental health medications can cause side effects. These are the most frequent side effects.

  • Headaches
  • Weight loss
  • dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle cramps or spasms
  • nausea
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Constipation
  • Problems and sleepiness

Tell your doctor if you have any of the symptoms listed.

Other side effects can occur if you take certain drugs for a long time. The addictive nature of valium and other anxiolytic medications can make it difficult to stop using them. They can lead to:

  • Feel depressed or paranoid
  • Change your personality
  • You will feel nausea and headaches.
  • Gain weight
  • You can damage your memory

Home and hospital medication

You are usually admitted to the hospital if you have a serious illness, or require additional treatment. While you are at the hospital, you will be prescribed different types and dosages of medication. Your doctor may recommend additional medication once you can leave. People who can assist you with your medication administration are also available. Once you return to your home, you will need to monitor your medication use.

It’s easy to forget to take your medication on time or the right dose when you return home.  You can remember to take your medication on time and in the right dosage.

Create a schedule detailing the drug names, dosages, and the days and times they should be taken.

Label your pills with the date and time you can take them.

To remind you of when each drug is due, you can create reminders or appointments on your smartphone.

You should make regular appointments with your doctor or counselor to keep track of your health, and how your medication is doing.